Like all models of the CarMotion series, the vehicle comes with the following functions:- Charging and programming connection- Short charging times due to modern lithium polymer batteries- With a full battery and normal operation with waiting times and various speeds a runtime of approx. 4 – 6 hours, and approx. 2 hours at max. speed/full load is possible.- Easy on/off switching via a reed contact under the cab‘s roof with magnetic pointing stick or telescopic magnetic bar, item 8410- Infrared transmitter/receiver for distance control (limited compatibility with other IR systems)- Realistic braking resp. accelerating action and configurable speed due to speed-controlled motor- Free cargo area due to underfloor drive unit- Cabin lighting- Braking and reversing lights- Direction indicators right/left and warning lights controllable- Low beam / high beam light- Roof beacons (depending on type of vehicle)- Clear seethrough driver‘s cab with figure- 5-pole plug-in coupling for the connection of CarMotion trailers or semitrailers- Compatible with existing systems with contact wire or magnetic tape- Control by infrared light (IR), permanent magnets item 8431 in the road, electromagnetic stop coils and remote control item 8402- Even without mechanical guidance a short straight line reverse is possible via steering by the remote controlPrototype data: MERCEDES BENZ LAK 2624, 177 kW/240 HP Diesel motor.L 18 x W 3.3 x H 3.3 – 5.2 cm
With this set you can retrofit your kibri trailers or semitrailers to optimize the running smoothness and the tracking accuracy of the vehicle. This will improve the driving characteristics of the trailer resp. the semitrailer.Contents: 6 rubber wheels, 6 rims, 3 steel axles, 6 sockets.Suitable for trailer and semitrailer with up to 3 axles and single tyres.
In 1996, Mercedes introduced the ACTROS series in different variants. This vehicle is equipped with an M cab. Like all models of the CarMotion series, it comes with the following functions:- Charging and programming connection- Short charging times due to modern lithium polymer batteries- With a full battery and normal operation with waiting times and various speeds a runtime of approx. 4 – 6 hours, and approx. 2 hours at max. speed/full load is possible.- Easy on/off switching via a reed contact under the cab‘s roof with magnetic pointing stick or telescopic magnetic bar, item 8410- Infrared transmitter/receiver for distance control (limited compatibility with other IR systems)- Realistic braking resp. accelerating action and configurable speed due to speed-controlled motor- Free cargo area due to underfloor drive unit- Cabin lighting- Braking and reversing lights- Direction indicators right/left and warning lights controllable- Low beam / high beam light- Roof beacons (depending on type of vehicle)- Clear seethrough driver‘s cab with figure- 5-pole plug-in coupling for the connection of CarMotion trailers or semitrailers- Compatible with existing systems with contact wire or magnetic tape- Control by infrared light (IR), permanent magnets item 8431 in the road, electromagnetic stop coils and remote control item 8402- Even without mechanical guidance a short straight line reverse is possible via steering by the remote controlPrototype data: DOLL 3-axle dolly.L 21.5 x W 3.5 x H 3.9 cm
Suitable to connect all scales of Viessmann standard colour light signals. With this module you can control the aspects of colour light signals without using relays. Optional connection of one signal with more aspects or two signals with 3 aspects. Special technology allows prototypical smooth changing of the signal lights. Optional blanking (distant signal switched off while main signal on the same mast shows “stop” position). One control module replaces up to 7 relays which are required with conventional technology. Without train control, so best used with computer-controlled digital layouts. Controlled by push-button panels items 5546 or 5547, single switch, track contacts or digital decoders are possible.
Useable for all 2-aspect colour light main signals (block signals) and light block signals with LED lighting scale 0 up to Z (except signals with multiplex-technology). The module provides the block signal aspects Hp0 and Hp1. Authentic smooth switch of signal aspects. Integrated contact for train control. With stop showing signal the track in front of the signal is switched off. Control by universal push-button panel item 5547, single button, switching tracks, track contacts or digital magnet decoder. Additional output to control distant signal by control module item 5220.
Useable for all 4-aspect colour light departure signals scale 0 to Z (except signals with multiplex-technology). The module provides all 4 block signal aspects (Hp0, Hp1, Hp2 and Sh1). Authentic smooth switch of signal aspects. Integrated contact for train control. By stop showing signal the track in front of the signal is switched off. Control by universal push-button panel item 5545, single button, switching tracks, track contacts or digital magnet decoder. Additional output to control distant signal by control module item 5220.
Useable in connection with control modules for colour light signals items 5221 – 5223 and hobby light signals, item 4021, 4022. The module offers 3 possible distant signal aspects (Vr0, Vr1 and Vr2). Authentic smooth switch of signal aspects. By masking the stop showing home signal fixed on the same mast the distant signal is switched off.
Useable for all 3-aspect colour light entry signals scale 0 to Z (except signals with multiplex-technology). The module provides all 3 entry signal aspects (Hp0, Hp1 and Hp2). Authentic smooth switch of signal aspects. Integrated contact for train control. With stop showing signal the track in front of the signal is switched off. Control by universal push-button panel item 5546, single button, switching tracks, track contacts or digital magnet decoder. Additional output to control distant signal by control module item 5220.
Extremely powerful model train transformer to provide lighting of complete model towns and for controlling magnetic components, for safe switching of various magnetic items (even at the same time). Due to the high power, the use of the high current cable item 6896 (brown) and item 6897 (yellow) is necessary to supply electricity. Integrated overload protection avoids overload and short-circuit breakdown by timeous cut-off of the transformer. Technical data: Input voltage 230 V ~,output voltage 9 and 16 V~, maximum power 150 VA. Dimensions: L 17,9 x W 8,9 x H 8,1 cm.
Integrated light signal control by prototypical smooth signal pictures. Full automatic and semi-automatic modes are available, in semi-automatic mode the train is started manually with a button. Current situation is shown by 2 LEDs. External power supply, transformer, is required. Provided for analogue locomotives, but limited operation with digital locomotives is possible.
Easy connection (only 4 cables). Current situation is shown by 4 LEDs. No regulated transformer required. Connection to 10 – 16 V AC voltage or 14 – 22 V DC. The output is DC, so it is not suitable for AC (Märklin) or digital locomotives.
To reduce the voltage on slow speed sections, e. g. narrowed curves, on building sites or down grades. Integrated 5 watt high power resistors. The value of the resistor is selectable by assignment of the connection socket from 10 – 30 ohm. Short circuit protection included by a temperature dependant switch. An overload short circuit is shown by red LED. On digital layouts only useable with unregulated locomotive decoders.
For time-triggered operations, e.g. blinking lights, or simulation of train driver’s reaction time after setting a signal to green. Delays for switching on or off are separately adjustable between 0 and 3 minutes. Two simultaneously switching outputs are available, so you can use it for a signal and a train at the same time. Contact load max. current: 2 A each output.
Allows an automatical stop in station area with soft stop and start movement. Even stopover by shuttle service control module items 5214 and 5204 is possible – one stopover is sufficient for various breakpoints! Push-pull operation is possible. Integrated track occupancy detectors make track- or signal contacts dispensable, works in both directions. Integrated light signal control for both directions with prototypical smooth change of light. The stop time, starting acceleration and braking time are separately adjustable. Useable with AC, DC and digital operation.
The transformer provides model train accessories, e. g. lamps, signals and turnouts with required low voltage. Suitable for all kinds of model train systems. Integrated overload protection avoids overload and short-circuit breakdown by timeous cut-off of the transformer. Technical data: Input voltage 230 V - output voltage 10 and 16 V~, maximum power 52 VA. Dimensions: L 13 x W 7 x H 5 cm.